The Australasian Systematic Botany Society Conference is being held in Canberra from the 29th of November until December 3rd and the theme is “Building our Botanical Capital”.
The Atlas of Living Australia is proud to be sponsoring the event and will be officially launching the new Phylolink tool. The Atlas will also be hosting a workshop and Dr Joe Miller (adjunct to the CSIRO National Research Collections Australia) will also be presenting his research on the evolution and phylogentics of the Australian plant genus Acacia (which utilised the Phylolink tool).
Phylolink allows users to explore biodiversity data from a phylogenetic (tree of life) perspective. Phylolink is a free, online, customisable research tool that gives users the ability to intersect a phylogenetic tree with species occurrence records, environmental data, and species character information for spatial mapping of traits, environmental profile plots, phylogenetic diversity calculations and more.
Phylolink is the result of collaboration between the Atlas of Living Australia and scientists at CSIRO, the Australian National University and the National Science Foundation (USA). Phylolink builds upon PhyloJIVE, which was developed by CSIRO, the Taxonomy Research and Information Network (TRIN), and the Centre for Australian National Biodiversity Research (CANBR).
The Australasian Systematic Botany Society (ASBS) is an incorporated association of over 300 people with professional or amateur interest in botany. The object of the Society is to promote the study of plant systematics. You can learn more about the ASBS on their website.