Since finding out about the ALA, the Rocky Waterholes-Salisbury Bushcare group have been using it in a number of ways to enhance their site in suburban Brisbane.
Bushcare groups are made up of volunteers across Australia who come together to restore natural environments in urban reserves. Among other activities, the Rocky Waterholes-Salisbury group cleans up rubbish, removes weeds, and propagates and plants native shrubs and trees.
Volunteers also consult with other community members. Recently, they have organised talks on weed management from bush restoration experts, received training on tool use, engaged Scout groups in planting events and learned about indigenous uses of plants from local elders.
Greg Tasney, a member of the group, uses the ALA to log sightings and help build a picture of local biodiversity. The group shares the ALA login so that all members can add to the database.
“Information from the ALA specifically about our site is used in grant applications and defence submissions against future development. The data illustrates the diversity of species living onsite, and highlights how important our bush care program is,” Mr Tasney said.
Mr Tasney also uses the ALA to search occurrence records in surrounding areas. Based on sightings in surrounding areas, Greg believes that Red-necked Wallabies could already be using the local riparian and creek corridors to move into and out of nearby Toohey Forest Park.
“After our recent plantings have grown and thickened, I predict the Rocky Waterholes-Salisbury area will become an important natural vegetation and wildlife corridor,” he said.
Check out the Rocky Waterholes-Salisbury Bushcare Facebook page if you want to keep up with their activities. Contact us if you would like to share how you’re using the ALA.