What can the ALA do for your website? Posted on 25th June 2010 By Miles Nicholls and Lynne Sealie, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a joint project between a number of Australian mu…
Why does the Atlas want to know about your website? Posted on 24th June 2010 Miles Nicholls and Lynne Sealie, Atlas of Living Australia The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is a joint project between a number of Australian museu…
Recent Atlas of Living Australia recruitment Posted on 24th June 2010 A warm welcome to all new Atlas staff, there have been many new starters since last time we reported on staff changes.
Australia’s Top 10 New Species Posted on 22nd June 2010 Bush Blitz and the Australian Science Teachers Association has announced a competition to name Australia’s No. 1 new species from a list compiled of…
Morphbank Posted on 22nd June 2010 ALA is setting up a Morphbank Australian mirrored node. Morphbank is a scientific image repository.
Citizen Science focus groups and user testing Posted on 21st June 2010 The Atlas' Citizen science focus groups and usablity testing are complete. A detailed report on these activities, titled ‘ALA Citizen Science Focus …
BHL Signing Posted on 3rd June 2010 Australia has become the Biodiversity Heritage Library's (BHL) newest partner with the recent signing of a Relationship Agreement between the BHL, the…
Creative Commons Posted on 18th April 2010 Miles Nicholls, Atlas of Living Australia and Stephanie von Gavel, Legal Counsel, CSIRO What is it and why is the ALA encouraging its use? The Atlas o…
April 2010 newsletter summary Posted on 11th April 2010 April 2010 - Atlas activities, articles and reports, media releases, conferences and workshops, biodiversity weblinks