ZooKeys recently published its special jubilee Issue No. 150 “e-Infrastructures for Data Publishing in Biodiversity Science“, comprised of 18 papers and two editorials. These cover a variety of reviews, essays and research articles, including a review on data issues in life sciences and three exemplar papers that demonstrate simultaneous data publishing through the GBIF Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) and Dryad. The issue also contains the first ever data paper generated from biodiversity metadata through the GBIF IPT – Pensoft workflow.
Most of the papers have been developed through the EU-funded project ViBRANT. An Editorial analyses the 100 % growth rate of ZooKeys for 2011, in comparison to 2010, resulting in more than 10,000 pages in 420 articles of 75 issues published since January to November 2011.
Four media releases associated with this special issue are posted:
- Electronic infrastructures accelerate biodiversity discoveries.
- Growth through innovations and open access:
The journal ZooKeys on point for digital taxonomy - First database-derived “data paper” published in journal
- Creative Commons “Non-Commercial” licenses impede
the re-use of biodiversity information.