This Australian produced App is definitely one worth promoting.
If you have an Apple device, you can now access the latest information about Australia’s worst pest animals via the new Field Guide to Pest Animals of Australia iOS App.
Developed by the Invasive Animals CRC, this free App contains species profiles for 31 of Australia’s worst pest animals, and includes:
- species descriptions,
- photo galleries,
- footprints,
- tracks,
- scats,
- audio calls,
- maps,
- control techniques, and
- quick links to plenty of useful pest control resources.
Farmers, land managers, field officers, landcare groups, students, school teachers, local councils, pest controllers, wildlife enthusiasts and the general public can all use the App to learn about wild dogs, rabbits, mice, foxes, carp, feral pigs, cane toads, myna birds and many more pest species. Check out this 30 second clip here on some of the Apps features.
Once the App is downloaded to your device, you can use it without mobile reception.
Updates of the App will contain more species, more photos and more pest control information.
Download the App here or scan the QR code below with your mobile phone.
Available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices.
Click here to see the latest media release about the App, it is already proving to be a massive hit with over 2500 downloads in the first 2 weeks of its release.
For further information, contact Peter West, Invasive Animals CRC on (02) 6391 3887 or E-mail