The Ebbe Nielsen Prize is an annual prize established by the GBIF Governing Board to honour the memory of Ebbe Schmidt Nielsen, who was an inspirational leader in the fields of biosystematics and biodiversity informatics and one of the driving leaders promoting the establishment of GBIF.
The prize is awarded annually to a promising researcher, usually in the early stages of his/her career, who is combining biosystematics and biodiversity informatics research in an exciting and novel way.
Nominations are submitted by GBIF Participants to the GBIF Science Committee, which selects the recipient. The prize is awarded at the GBIF Governing Board meeting and consists of 30,000 Euros, to be used by the recipient to further his/her research.
If you are interested in applying for this prize, please make note of the following conditions:
• Contact the GBIF Australia Head of Delegation ( as soon as possible to indicate your interest.
• Applications may only be submitted by the Head of Delegation on the applicant’s behalf.
• A maximum of two (2) applicants from each region are permitted.
• The deadline for nominations is the 15th February, 2013.
Please click on this link for more information on the Ebbe Nielsen Prize.