ALA Workshop: Mapping Evolutionary Diversity for Biodiversity Conservation with Dan Rosauer
Tuesday 10 May 9.00am – 5.00pm
Dan Rosauer, a Research Fellow in the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis, Research School of Biology at Australian National University in Canberra, will run a hands-on workshop exploring how the Atlas can assist in using a phylogenetic approach to conservation.
Spaces are limited, so click here to register now.
ALA Workshop: Features and Functions of the Atlas’ Spatial Portal with Lee Belbin
Friday 13 May 9.00am – 12.30pm
There are a wealth of functions and data associated with The Spatial Portal of the Atlas of Living Australia, but many users are unaware of its potential. This workshop will introduce the key features, and also seek feedback on other community needs.
Spaces are limited, so click here to register now – REGISTRATIONS NOW CLOSED
ALA User Workshop
Friday 13 May 9.00am – 3.00pm
Feel free to drop in to an all day workshop where several ALA staff members will be available to provide tutorials, explain various functions, and answer questions – think of it as the ALA genius bar.
No registration required – just drop by with your questions.
The ALA Science Symposium will be held at Keiran Macnamara Conservation Science Centre, 17 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, Perth, WA, from 11-13 May 2016. Registration is free.
Click here to register to attend the 2016 ALA Science Symposium and submit an abstract.
For further information, including links to local accommodation and travel awards, click here.