ABC Gold and Tweed Coasts. Drive
23 Mar 2010 04:16PM. Compere: Cam Young.
Compere interviews Dr Donald Hobern, Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) coordinator about the new online site that documents Australia’s living species. Hobern says the project is a collaborative effort between museums, CSIRO and universities with funding from the Federal government. Hobern says the system will clarify species information based on location and images. Hobern says he is keen to work with the public including bird groups and natural history societies to compare with other information available. Hobern says the site is a bit like Wikipedia with information pulled from historical records.
Interviewees: Dr Donald Hobern, Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) coordinator. Syndicated to: ABC Sunshine and Cooloola Coasts
ABC Goldfields WA, Perth. Mornings
23 Mar 2010 10:43AM. Compere: Natalie Jones.
Project Director Donald Hobern discusses the creation of the Atlas of Living Australia, which involves the Natural History Museums, CSIRO and various universities. He presses the need the publish the guide in order to detail their impact on agriculture and aid conservation efforts. He assures that many users require better access to the information, adding that hundreds of thousands of species exist in Australia. Hobern touts the document as ‘evolving’ and notes that the Federal Government has already allocated $38 million in funding to the project until June 2012.
Interviewees: Donald Hobern, Project Director, Atlas of Living Australia.