The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA), is a member an EU-funded project, called GLOBal Infrastructures for Supporting Biodiversity research (GLOBIS-B). The project aims to enhance the multilateral cooperation of biodiversity research infrastructures worldwide to support the production of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs), which will provide a global approach to monitoring the state of biodiversity.
EBVs have been introduced by the Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Observation Network (GEO BON), and are the measurements required for studying, reporting, and managing biodiversity change. By implementing EBVs at a global scale, the project supports the management of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development across the world.
Information infrastructure is critical to delivering data for EBVs, and that’s where the ALA as a leading global infrastructure in the aggregation and delivery of data is helping facilitate the improvement of biodiversity knowledge through the production of EBVs.
The ALA recently joined scientific, technical and legal experts from around the world at an EBV Workshop in Amsterdam on Species Traits. At this workshop scientific experts discussed requirements for developing the EBV class ‘Species traits’. The details of designing and deploying scientific workflows to produce EBV data products were also discussed, along with the data policies that would support the use of data in the EBV process. You can find out more about this workshop at GLOBIS-B Essential Biodiversity Variables Workshop on Species Traits held in Amsterdam.
Find out more about this project and read the latest news on GLOBIS-B. You can find out more about ALA’s involvement by contacting Rebecca Pirzl (