Last week, 11-13 May 2016, the ALA and WA’s Department of Parks and Wildlife hosted over 120 people for our third ALA Science Symposium. There were more than 40 stimulating presentations, three workshops and many (too many to count) lively discussions.
These ALA symposiums are proving to be an excellent way to meet up with our users and partners and to discuss opportunities for improvement and further collaboration. At each symposium I am impressed by the diversity of research, industry and community groups that engage with and enrich ALA content.
Thank you to our colleagues at WA’s Department of Parks and Wildlife for their hospitality and providing such a great venue. Thank you also to the presenters, moderators, contributors, our hard-working ALA staff, and all the delegates, for making this such a successful event.
Look forward to seeing you all at the next one!
John La Salle
Director, Atlas of Living Australia